To Our Heavenly Creator be all Glory
Thank you for giving us
Brilliant Lives to Build!
Thank you for giving us
Brilliant Lives to Build!
Blessed to help students develop their talents for the Glory of God
My Story
I am thankful for the many gifts God has entrusted to me:
Fabulous parents (still married after 60 years!),
An amazing husband of twenty seven years this year;)
Niine beautiful children,
three beautiful grandchildren
an exceptional extended family.
the Arts!!!
So how do I serve others?
By creatively praying through each project,
I am given the grace to say,
to God's Will over mine.
Saying "Yes, Lord" has led to many miracles and adventures.
Hence sharing my work is my "Yes, Lord" - my prayer of thanksgiving.
I will leave it to HIM as to how it is used,
with the hope that it will be used for HIS Glory.
Romans 8:28 - "All things work out for good, for those who are called to His Purpose."
May HiS Will be done.