"So many projects - not enough time"
"How do you find the time?"
As a family of eleven, that is one of the most often asked questions we receive.
My dad has compared our story to that of the parable of the "fishes and the loaves".
Our Lord provides!
HE provides the time, the money and the motivation for what HE calls us to do.
(We've found out the hard way that when we've said "no", or "not now",
our time seems to disappear quickly.)
When we say, "Yes", things happen!
Top 10 Design Projects I hope are in my Horizon
but as always, "May His Will be done." I am sure that I will be given the grace to complete those projects which are part of HIS plan for me. (These are in no particular order:).
1. Writing the Psalms in my version of "poetry". (I am currently on Psalm 71. - June 2019)
UPDATE October 2019: I am now responding to Psalm 104 :). I finished this in 2019! 2021 - editing:).
2. Illustrating with photographs.
3. Writing music to accompany.
4. A photographic and visual art response to the blessings found in Daniel.
5. Finishing a quilt for my daughter and a memory quilt for my son and his future bride
6. Finishing the simply music curriculum and learning my favorite composer's pieces.
7. Learning how to film & direct a movie. -The kids & I are taking a class:
8. Ice Skating a choreographed routine. - on hold for Covid
9. A novel (Yes, it is on my list too... my daughter and husband just finished theirs.!!) KUDOS! (I am so proud of you!)
10. Continue to direct musicals
Only because of HIM is anything accomplished:).
Praise be to God..